Default configuration

lang: en-US # zh-CN is also available

author: # default: site.github.owner_name

copyright: false
edit: false
logo: false # relative path to your image, eg: assets/logo.png
disqus: false # your disqus username
addons: false
addons_branch: false # means addons branch

rougify: github # more options see code highlight
By default Html is compressed and use Jsdelivr CDN


debug: # if debug is true use local static files.
  compress: false # close html compress

From plugins

Following configuration options by jekyll-github-metadata

  • Propagates the site.github namespace with repository metadata
  • Sets site.title as the repository name, if none is set
  • Sets site.description as the repository tagline if none is set
  • Sets site.url as the GitHub Pages domain (cname or user domain), if none is set
  • Sets site.baseurl as the project name for project pages if none is set